En 195 aphorismes, les Yoga-Sutras de Patanjali codifient l'enseignement d'une pratique traditionnelle plusieurs fois millénaire.
C'est l'esprit même du Yoga qui se trouve ici décrit, résumé en une série de remarques lapidaires et lumineuses.
Vrai traité de connaissance de soi, cet ouvrage est l'un des textes majeurs de l'humanité. Son message, transcendant les siècles, se révèle bien plus que moderne : essentiel.
Yogasûtra : les aphorismes de l'école de yoga ; une lecture historique et philosophique des Yogasûtra
- Albin Michel
- 3 Mai 2023
- 9782226485694
Les Yogasutra de Patañjali comptent parmi les oeuvres de la littérature indienne qui sont d'une portée universelle. Les 195 aphorismes qui constituent ce traité demeurent une référence pour le yoga, depuis leur composition (Ve siècle de l'ère commune) jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Pourtant, ils ne s'appliquent pas à décrire les postures corporelles qui se sont multipliées au cours des siècles. Ils s'intéressent plutôt à l'intériorité de l'être humain, telle qu'un ascète la découvre quand il s'exerce à « la résorption des opérations du mental ». En ce sens, ils déploient une philosophie. C'est pourquoi il fallait un philosophe pour les traduire et les commenter, ce qu'a fait Marc Ballanfat au coeur de l'ouvrage YOGA. L'encyclopédie (Albin Michel, 2021). Il enrichit ici ce travail en l'accompagnant d'un essai sur l'histoire et la philosophie des Yogasûtra afin de les replacer dans leur contexte culturel et d'en comprendre l'enjeu pour notre monde contemporain.
Présenté de façon conceptuelle et pédagogique à la fois, ce traité de l'école de Yoga deviendra indispensable à tout pratiquant désirant approfondir son expérience, et plus largement à tout lecteur persuadé que la philosophie se dit aussi en dehors de l'Occident. -
Take a deep dive into the concepts of machine learning as they apply to contemporary business and management. You will learn how machine learning techniques are used to solve fundamental and complex problems in society and industry. Machine Learning for Decision Makers serves as an excellent resource for establishing the relationship of machine learning with IoT, big data, and cognitive and cloud computing to give you an overview of how these modern areas of computing relate to each other.
This book introduces a collection of the most important concepts of machine learning and sets them in context with other vital technologies that decision makers need to know about. These concepts span the process from envisioning the problem to applying machine-learning techniques to your particular situation. This discussion also provides an insight to help deploy the results to improve decision-making.
The book usescase studies and jargon busting to help you grasp the theory of machine learning quickly. You'll soon gain the big picture of machine learning and how it fits with other cutting-edge IT services. This knowledge will give you confidence in your decisions for the future of your business.
What You Will LearnDiscover the machine learning, big data, and cloud and cognitive computing technology stack
Gain insights into machine learning concepts and practices Understand business and enterprise decision-making using machine learningAbsorb machine-learning best practices
Who This Book Is For
Managers tasked with making key decisions who want to learn how and when machine learning and related technologies can help them. -
The book covers all aspects of eye health in South-East Asia from public health to health system to education to industry in 6 sections. The World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia region comprises of 11 countries - Bangladesh, Bhutan, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor-Leste. This region is home to 26% of world population; there is a disproportionate amount of blindness (30.6%) and visual impairment (36%).This is a first of its kind book that discusses common conditions of visual impairment and blindness in the South-East Asia region. In addition, the book documents the current eye care industry in the region and the contribution of all eye health INGOs in eye care program planning and service delivery for many decades. Majority of the countries in the South-East Asia region are categorized in `middle-income country' group. This book discusses the common challenges in these countries such as, suboptimal public expenditure in health, acute shortage of skilled eye health workforce, and rudimentary health industry. The book covers the following 6 sections:1. Geographic description and health indices of the region2. Health system evolved over years, including universal eye health, health financing and health management information system (HMIS)3. Common eye problems including non-communicable disease NCD (and diabetic retinopathy), neglected tropical disease NTD (and Trachoma)
4. Health workforce in the region that includes ophthalmologists, optometrists, and allied ophthalmic personnel5. Eye health support in the region of 13 international non-government organizations (INGOs) working for decades6. Eye health industry in the region that includes spectacles, ophthalmic devices and equipment and the pharma industry The book would be a useful resource for ophthalmologists, all public health personnel and policy makers in eye health in the South-East Asia region specifically and all ophthalmologists and scientists interested in public health all over the world as well as for program planning to reach the 'Health for All' strategy by 2030 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 2030).